Our Back To School Bash in Darlington

Thursday, August 5th, the Housing authority of Darlington, Genesis Healthcare, and Welvista teamed up to donate backpacks full of school supplies and lunch to local children.

The event began at 12 noon in the front of the Housing Authority and ended an hour earlier than anticipated due to the large crowd that gathered 30 minutes earlier.
Jaime Steen, Executive Director of the Housing Authority said, “We want to thank all the people who contributed.” She explained how many of the supplies were donated from local churches, businesses, and individuals who understand the yearly expense that new supplies could bring.  Howard Nettles, Director of Community Outreach/Recruiting for Genesis and City Council Member stated, “This is one of the ways Genesis reaches out to the community we serve.”

Our Back To School Bash in Olanta

On Tuesday, August 3rd, Genesis Healthcare partnered with Harvest Hope, Molina and WelVista to provide members of the Olanta community with back to school supplies. Together, we handed out over 125 back packs filled with school supplies and 150 boxes of food provided by Harvest Hope of the Pee Dee.

Thanks to all who came out and joined us for this event!

Men to Men – June 17

Our Genesis Healthcare team is proud to partner with Darlington County First Steps’ Men’s Health Collaborative and the Town of Lamar to present our second Men’s Health Care symposium.

Men to Men will be held on Thursday, June 17 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at Lamar Town Hall. We look forward to seeing you there as we serve our community!

Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, and every day, we are thankful for the ultimate sacrifice made by so many men and women who fought for our country. We honor their courage and strength as we remember them today.

Older Americans Month

This Older Americans Month, our Genesis Healthcare team is proud to celebrate “Communities of Strength” – honoring the resilience and strength of the elderly throughout our communities. Their stories have paved the way for each of us and have inspired greatness in individuals young and old through South Carolina and beyond. Join us in celebrating Older Americans Month this May!